Thursday, July 29, 2010

Time to go to the Movies!

Today Scott and I took Austin to see ICE AGE: DAWN OF THE DINOSAURS at the Cinemark near us.  Even though Austin is 'only' 2, the nearest theather hosts the Cinemark Summer Movie Club where the movies are only $1 each!  So we figured since we know Austin loves DinoRAWRS we've got nothing to loose but $3.00!  I packed our bag and then. . . shhhh! we headed to Dollar Tree for some drinks and candy. .  then headed to the theater to watch the movie. 

We arrived 30 minutes early which is a blessing and a curse. It's a good thing since it filled up pretty quickly, but then that just means you are asking a toddler to sit still for 2 hours ( 1 1/2 hrs of the movie and 30 min for the waiting). He did pretty well while waiting.  I did give him my phone to watch a few scenes from the movie CARS and of course we took more pictures
He Loves his Daddy!
Watching CARS while waiting for it to start
He found a new love of Sour Patch Kids - bet his Nonna will love to hear that - and sadly (LOL) he didn't even make funny faces. Scott and I were saddened, we wanted to see his expression but NOPE!   Once the movie lights dimmed and the music/sound started playing Austin's face was full of wonder and amazement! 
This is more of a WOW look than anything LOL

Austin loved seeing the DinoRAWR on the "Big TV" and rawred when he first saw him.  Unfortuantely the movie as a tad slow so Austin only lasted about 45 mintues into the movie then said he was "all done"  So that was our cue, time to leave!  Overall we had a wonderful experience.  Too bad CARS wasn't on the "Big TV"

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

It's been a blast!

Question: What do you get when you cross a 2 year old and a long, hot summer?

Answer: Loads of Fun-Filled Summer Days! 

The last two summers with Austin have been fun, but this year sure does beat it out of the ballpark!  This year has been full of happiness.  Not that the others haven't it's just been such a pleasure watching Lil Man actually enjoy summer for what it is - Sunfilled, hot days, warm nights and loads of activities.  It's funny because when the summer was getting closer and Preschool was drawing to an end, I was getting anxious as to what to do with Austin everyday, all day, for the whole summer.  HA!  That's never been a concern this year.  I'm not sure if it's me who's getting more comfortable at being a momma and anticipating his needs of fun or if it's Austin's age and development thus craving the things we've done. . . OR maybe, just maybe, it's a combination of both?!

When I look back at all the pictures I've taken this summer the majority are us having fun at a pool - either at Nonna & Poppa's pool or our own - or having fun at the splash parks. We sure have been spending a lot of time outside getting wet!!
(waiting for Howard Moore Play Pool to open)

This summer has also been full of Sandbox Meetups.  I hope to meet with more but it's definately a start! 
April - okay not really summer but still LOL
With Aria, Hunter, Lily, & Jackson L
with Hunter & Aria (Lily not pictured)
with Jackson M

We've also gone to a few MOMS playdates (ie the Aviation Museum) and this Thursday we're going to the movies for Austin's first movie experience with them.  I can't wait - we're going to see Ice Age: Age of the Dinosaurs.  It'll be fun and of course that'll warrant it's own blog post, don't you think!?  LOL  Overall this summer is Flying by!  It's sad that it's passing so quickly but we've been having the time of our lives!

Friday, July 23, 2010

More Sandbox Fun!

Today Scott, Austin and I were able to meet the McMellen family for some sandbox fun. Read about the Sandbox HERE and HERE and of course HERE!   It's so nice to be able to talk to other mom's who have children around the same age as Austin.  Of course some moms also have other children, some much older and some younger than Austin, but it's nice to have them to feed ideas off of or get advice from.  I've talked to these women for years - some since June 2007! - and it's always a pleasure finally being able to meet!  The McMellen family live in Georgia, but they were in town (Fort Worth) visiting family so we were lucky enough to be included in their trip! 

We decided to just 'chill at home and have the kids play in the backyard.  I figured with having 3 toddlers all under the age of 2 1/2 it's much easier and peaceful to have them have free reign in the backyard and inside the house verses going to an outdoor/indoor venue where they could potentially wander off.  Also I felt that doing the playdate at our place is economically better for us (and the McMellens') as well as more relaxing for all! 

When they arrived, we headed outside to play in the pool.  This was Austin's first time in this pool - as our old one had a tear in the lining as well as a tear in the ring and thus wouldn't hold air.  Good thing Scott checked the pool out Thursday evening!!  He made a mad dash stop to Target & Wal-Mart for a pool!  Great pick Dadda!
Jack & Austin playing in the pool
(Both boys were born February 2008)
Splashing each other!
Jason, Jack's brother (13 mo) watching
Playing on the Playset - each doing their own thing!
LOL on the boys all parallel playing
Jack drying off - so cool!
After the pool and playing on the playset, we all headed inside for some dry fun.  Jackson found the playroom first and then we all gathered in to watch the 3 kids play.  It was funny - you know you have loads of CARS memorablilia, but you don't realize JUST how much until other kids point it out LOL!! 

Of course all the boys are in the parallel play age
This is the closest they got to playing TOGETHER! LOL
Then afterwards, before the McMellen family headed out, Mrs. Jenn read the boys a book.  Austin actually sat still throughtout the whole thing!!
They were a blast to have over and I can't wait to meet up with them again.

Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Jump, Jump Away!!

Yesterday Austin and I went to Nonna & Poppa's pool for some summertime fun.  Like I mentioned in other posts, I'm trying to get Austin in the water more frequently since he was leary about it the beginning of the summer.  After being in my parents pool at least 1 time a week - I can now say he LOVES IT!!

Yesterday we went in before nap for about 1 1/2 hrs and then also after dinner before heading home.  My lil fishy didn't ever want to get out LOL 

He spent a majority of the day sunbathing with Nonna.  Apparently he's just like Nonna's Daddy - his Great-Grandpa - who loves sunbathing as well!
He Loves his Nonna

Here he is sunbathing again, but this time it was after we had dinner - hence the costume change.  The little fishy wanted to go into the pool again and it DID look awfully inviting! 
He's getting better at not clinging to me and becoming more confident in the pool.   He's made great strides at his awareness of the pool and knowing where to get in as well as what locations he can jump from.  Before he wouldn't even consider this float and would yell, "I fall!" everytime but now he's confident enough to be in it and have me step back to take pictures :-)
Here he's again sunbathing. You can't tell but his eyes are even closed! ha!

When he wasn't sunbathing Austin was Jumping, Jumping, Jumping!  He was enjoying standing on the edge and jumping into Nonna or my arms.  Normally he'd stand on the edge then just lean into a fall into our arms, but I was teaching him to actually JUMP off the ledge.  It was hilarious - he'd jump then step off.  Silly Boy.  After a while he'd even get daring and stand on the ledge sideways and do a little song and dance then jump while twisting off of the ledge into our arms!  IMPRESSIVE coming from a boy who screamed bloody murder on Memorial Day and hated every second of the pool.  Read about the experience of why HERE 

<3 My Lil Man and Me <3

Hahaha!  Having tube issues!  He looks so tall here but he's not - I guess it's just because he's so skinny.  At his 21 month appointment he was 34 inches so God only knows what he is now. . . We don't go back until he's 3. 

Tomorrow the whole family is heading out to the pool.  Check back tomorrow for pictures!

Wednesday, July 14, 2010

What a Wonderful Wednesday!!

Today has been an amazing day to spend it outside with Austin.  I love summer days where you can spend all your time outside enjoying the weather and getting your fill of Vit. D!  Some days are just unbearable to spend it outside without having some sort of pool - either it being an inground pool or a small $9.99 kiddie pool like the one we have!  So today starting at 9am, Austin and I suited up in our swimclothes and headed for a fun-filled day outside! 
filling up the pool
after adding some water - this is a MUST!! 
Jumping in the little puddles while the pool is filling up

We were outside ALL DAY LONG!  It was such a nice, relaxing day.  We were outside by 9am, came inside for bath and nap around 12:30 and then after our nap, which unfortunately was only 1 1/2 hrs due to other reasons,  we went right back outside for more swimming till 6:15pm!  Normally on Wednesdays I also watch my 2 1/2 yr old neice, Trista and my 8 mo old nephew Trevor, but today I didn't since they were sick.  Austin wanted to see Trista so bad - he loves his cousin! - so I was happy to see that there wasn't a rain cloud in the sky.  Austin loves being outside and especially after having almost 2 weeks of craptastic weather - It was very much appreciated!

He's getting better and better at laying down in the water and having the water go over his face.  He used to hate, and sometimes still does, having water on his face and in his eyes but he's getting over it quickly!  Austin even jumped in the pool  a few times - as best he could on his own. . . Mr Independent you know (!!)

We did have a great day, but of course that's not to say we didn't have a temper tantrum or two!  After all, we A.R.E. talking about a 2 year old!  HA!  He was playing around in the pool then went over to the slide and kneeled down.  He stayed there for about 5 FULL minutes.  I'm not sure if he was praying or if he was putting himself in a time out but he was pissed that I went over to him to talk! 
Closer up
"Hello, you okay". . . . and this is the face I get along with some yelling ::)
We had our lunch outside then went swinging on the swings before naptime.  OF COURSE, Red Car had to come along!  Notice Red Car on the seat with Austin in both pictures.  LOL!  (Yes he even shared his "sam itch" with Red Car)

After naptime, we went outside for more pool fun but this time Austin was much more mellowed out.  I'm not sure if it was his short nap or the sun was wearing him out but all he wanted to do was lounge around and play with his cars.

Seriously, all he did was chill and play with his cars.  He didn't want to get out of the pool, just wanted to sit and roll them back and forth.  He cracks me up!
Of course, after our dinner outside we indulged in some Oreos - Austin's favorite dessert! 

W.O.W.!!  He looks so tired in this picture
Another bath to get the germies off!

Then we settled down to watch some TV.  Austin grabbed all of his CARS cars that have been inside all day and settled down to watch . . . .  CARS (what you thought it would be something else?!?!?!) while I turned on the TV to watch one of my favorite summer shows So You Think You Can Dance!  Perfect day, Perfect night!

"A wee bit of heaven drifted down from above- A handful of happiness, a heart full of love. The mystery of life, so sacred and sweet- The giver of joy so deep and complete. Precious and priceless, so lovable, too- The world's sweetest miracle, baby, is you." Author: Helen Steiner Rice