Man has the time flown by, last week Austin turned Eight Months old! He's grown so fast and has learned so much over these months. I can barely remember the little boy that would do nothing but eat, sleep, & repeat. ~He now has 6, YES SIX, teeth!! His top four are ever so slowly coming in and they seem to be more painful than the bottom two. ~He is throughouly entertained by menus! Who knew that menus could entertain a baby for so long!?!?

~He loves giving kisses - even to his stuffed animals. Open mouthed baby kisses are so sweet.

~He's been getting better and better at eating baby food. He's now onto breakfast, lunch & dinner as well as his snacks. Here are a few pictures of Austin enjoying a Yogurt Melt. As you can see in the later pics, he is competely oblivious to the one on his cheek!!

~He still loves books! Loves being read to, reading to mommy, or eating them!

~He claps, waves "bye bye", and is constantly talking! "Dadada" is his favorite phrase right now. ~For the past two weeks or so, Austin has been up on all fours rocking away and trying to crawl without falling face first into the floor. We're thinking anyday now he'll master it!
~Austin's been getting better and better at standing while playing!

~With fall now here the weather has been SO nice! Here are a couple of pictures of us at the park.

For Halloween, Austin was too cute - he was a Rooster. And in perfect "Rooster-style" he was flapping his arms and "talking" to us!