It was so cute. Apparently (I was at work being a nurse for Halloween HAHA!) Austin figured out the concept of Halloween really quick. After the first house, Austin kept pointing to the other homes saying, "THAT ONE!!" He realized if you said, "Trick or Treat" some nice neighbor would give you candy LOL

THEN. . . one house had the Ranger's World Series Game on. Well, it was all over after that! Ever since we've been watching the Ranger's Game during the playoffs and now during the World Series Austin's been loving anything baseball related. He loves watching the games, yelling, "Lets Go RANGERS!" and playing with his baseball and bat! At this house, Austin stayed at that house for about 20 minutes then yelled out, "Home! Watch Rangers" Ahh, my lil baseball lover!
1 comment:
Ah, so cute! I wish you guys could have come by our house! :)
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