Abby LOVED it!
Our hope was to venture out to Target and get out of the house some. We talked, last night, about doing that today but sadly I don't think that's going to happen. Bummer. At least with the snow, we could have fun outside sledding on trashcan lids (true Texan style!) and making snow angels and snowmen - so it wasn't a total loss. However, the day turned from bad to worse ---- our beloved Kurieg coffee maker wasn't working! It kept spitting the water back into the reservoir rather than putting the water into the little canister to dispense coffee. I had a bad headache due to being coop'd up since Monday evening, not getting enough sleep due to Austin waking up - that's another post all together! - and just basically needing coffee. I was miserable and not a very nice person to be around LOL Poor Scott tried his hardest to get it to work and figured out that every 3-4 months it was suppose to be "de scaled" yet we have yet to de scale it and we've had it for a while EWWW LOL In order to de scale it you'd need 48 oz of white vinegar -- something we DO NOT have :( I think Austin sensed momma's migraine and her about to turn into a Coffee-lacking Maniac so he retreated off into his "home" and played with his cars. Scott tried desperately to restore the coffee maker with the materials that we had on hand and actually, after MUCH struggle, got it to work momentarily. GOD BLESS HIM! LOL I usually don't call myself a coffee dependent person but when you have nothing else to do but sit and stare at each other, coffee becomes your BFF That cup of coffee was so delicious and did minimize my tension headache/migraine. So therefore, the day was looking up for me and all near LOL Oh yea!
My Fav picture! He was enjoying it so much
*this coat we've had since Austin was 10 mo old and went to AZ for the Race for the Cure! LOL Thank goodness it still fits. A little small in the sleeves but overall wonderful to reuse
Yes, he's still a "jersey-freak"! LOL
DISASTER! Got on his hands. Wipe it off and then he's happy as a clam. Cracks me up because it's okay if he waterpaints on his hand. . . just no food
Walking around!
Austin & Momma footsteps! <3
Playing with a friend!
What a boy! Enjoyed throwing snowballs at her
Hoping tomorrow - on my drive to work - it's not too terrible, but luckily Scott is going to drive me (with Austin in the backseat) so thankful for that!
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