Monday, November 2, 2009

Our Green Lantern says, "Tri to Treeee"

Tri to Treee is also known as Trick or Treat!!!!! This year Austin was the Green Lantern, Scott's favorite Marvel comic.  Scott was SO excited he found a Green Lantern costume that it didn't matter what the size was!  LOL  Luckily Grammie did some quick alterations and made the 4T into a "18-24 mo" size - THANKS GRAMMIE!!! 

This was the first year that Austin was old enough to participate in Halloween and it was a blast as his parents to watch him instinctively know what to do in regards to putting the candy in his bucket.  Prior to Oct 31st (and our church's Fall Festival) his preschool has a Halloween Carnival.  It was loads of fun seeing the kids dressed up in various costumes and playing games.  Here's a few pictures of the morning:
"Is that a cry for help I hear?  Have No fear!"

Austin taking a picture with Richard (aka Batman)

Playing a game of Putt Putt

Grandpa came out to watch the festivities so Austin helped him get to the next round of fun!! What a great helper!  Once I figure out how to do video on this, I'll def. post it.  TOO CUTE!!! 

Here is Austin enjoying the bounce house.  In the past he has freaked at being inside one but I'm not sure if he liked this one due to the size or what but he loved it!!  Although he spent more time on the floor of it than jumping, he was in constant laughter :-)

After Trick or Treating in the Church office, the kids headed back to their rooms. . .
where Austin proceeded to devour a Kit-Kat!!!

I remember Halloween being so much fun as a child and this def. brought back some memories.  I can't wait to see what next year has in store for us!!

*Psssst: The BEST part about Halloween and being the parent - eating all the candy that he isn't old enough for  lol

1 comment:

Heather said...

I don't know how I missed all these posts!!! But I just love all of the pictures of Austin in his super cool costume! Looks like he had a great time at the carnival. I love how they did that for the kids.