Thursday, August 19, 2010

"Ewww, it's sticky!"

That is the problem that Austin usually has when something is on his hands - either it be food or something like a stuck play-doh piece.  He gets all bent out of shape and must.have.hands.wiped.ASAP  LOL!  Well yesterday Austin was playing with the watercolors and I brought out the finger paints just to see. . .  We'll never know unless we keep trying right?!
"okay, not SO bad"
"a little weird on the fingers, but I'll keep doing this"

 Well he did amazingly well.  Austin played in the fingerpaints for a while just moving the seperated colors (Red, Blue, Yellow & Green) all over the plate and then I showed him how to make handprints. 

Love the handprints he's making!
He thought it was "So Cool!" (his words!) until. . . . . . .

He saw his hands! LOL 

1 comment:

Erika said...

So cute! Hunter LOVES finger painting!