Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Dallas Arboretum

For the past week our weather has been absolutely wonderful - No rain, no gloomy weather, and perfect temps (ie: Jeans and short sleeve shirt kind of weather)!  Along with being away from my family while I do the Breast Cancer 3-Day and the nice weather we have had, we decided a great place for some quality family times means taking a trip to the Dallas Arboretum.  I have been away from Scott for a week before while he was teaching at a church youth event but I have never been away from Austin that long.  Call me a silly sappy mom but I wanted to do something that I know Austin loves right before I leave him. . .  and since he loves running around and loves the outdoors this was an easy decision. 

The whole year their theme is "Storybook Playhouse" where they have 14 playhouses the kids can go into and look at while giving a brief synopsis of the story.  Here are some pictures we took today.  Unfortunately we got there right when they opened and since the sun hadn't dried up the ground it was a little muddy.

Tryng to go inside the house (((the entrance is on the side)))

"Guess no one is home!?!"

Austin & Scott's Favorite: Peter Pan

They also had pumpkins everywhere in celebration of Autumn (LOL Texas doesn't have Autumn, nor a Fall but whatev. LOL)

Checking them out. . .

"Wait Dada!!!!"

Inspecting the Pumpkin House . . .  Just like his Dada!

Another reason why I love going to the Dallas Arboretum is becuase it isn't just for adults to look at the beauty of the surroundings.  In addition to the kid-friendly playhouses, they also had a hay maze for them to walk through.  But Austin wanted to climb on it and walk the "walls". . . as long as he was holding dada's hand.  It was so funny because he wouldn't walk a step without doing the death grip on Scott's hand

Holding tight to Dada's hand


And then of course I took various pictures of the beautiful landscaping.  Everytime I come I see new flowers and everything is absolutely perfect!  I wonder how much water and fertilizer they go through a week?  Guess that's something google-worthy right?!  LOL!!

We let Austin walk around as much as possible because hey a toddler needs to expend that bottled up energy as well as tire themselves out to equate for a really really good nap :-) . . .  So it's a win-win for both parties LOL   I'm not sure how far he walked but lets just say his Momma and Dada enjoyed his 1 1/2 hr nap today
Walking towards the Eragon playhouse

Looking at the "wa wa"

Being a goof-ball!!  He kept on leaning 1/2 way over and looking at us with this sly look on his face.  My son KNOWS he's a ham and KNOWS he's adorable!! 

Doing the "army" walk and following the students.

Inside of a maze they had pint sized benches.  He loved them!! He kept on going back to it and sitting.

Scott's turn!!  "Smile Dada!!"

"Hurry Up Dada!!!!"

I swear this place is endless.  You could easily spend at least 5 hours there and one time Austin and I did along with some friends earlier this year.  It's the perfect place to bring a picnic lunch and chill in the beautiful surroundings!  It's amazing that less than 5 miles away is downtown!!

I took this picture for Heather who I think will love this picture the most!!  Precious cargo deserves to be rear-facing as long as possible! 

1 comment:

Heather said...

WOW, I can't believe how beautiful the Arboretum is. I mean, that place is amazing. I know I've said it before, but I wish we had a place like that here. It looks like Austin really loves it there too. Such a fun looking place, and so pretty!
Has Austin gotten taller? I swear he looks like he grew like 3 inches, and he's a beanpole! LOL. Looks like he had a growth spurt.

Oh, and yes, I LOVE the picture of Austin rearfacing. Thanks for posting it.He looks happy as can be back there. Looks like he's a great traveler too! =D

How's he eating these days??? Dakota's appetite has picked up a bit. Thank goodness