Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Oh Christmas Tree, Oh Christmas Tree. . .

As some brave souls fight the crowds, the cold and wake up early to shop the Day after Thanksgiving, we choose to make this day a day of Christmas cheer!  For the past 5 years or so, the day after Thanksgiving is a day that Carolyn comes over - with her Christmas decor knowledge and skill I might add!! - and together Scott, Carolyn and I put up decorations.  We always have a great breakfast before we get to work.  This year Scott made "pay cakes" as Austin puts it and of course coffee from our awesome Keurig!  I seriously love that thing and it's one of the best purchases Scott MADE me get LOL
Carolyn, Austin and I start on the tree while Scott worked on his Charles Dickens village.  He's been working on this collection since 1994 when he worked at Tis The Season.  This will be our 2nd year putting the village up now that Austin's of age to have some self control LOL.  We're very proud of this collection and very careful since majority, if not all, of the pieces are retired!
Helping Daddy put "snow" on the village and villagers 
It's coming along!
Austin helping
LOL this picture reminds me of the Cingular BAR commercials.   
My nativity scene I got one Christmas.  I love this version of the nativity scene and can't wait to add to it. 

Last year, after we put up our tree I noticed that a lot of our ornaments didn't "go" with the tree we had. So last year we purchased a family tree to put up in Austin's room for our family ornaments.  I talked about it last year: FAMILY TREE  So this year, being that Austin's no longer in his crib and after rearranging HIS room we decided to put the tree in his playroom.  Although he does have some self-control, he has none when it comes to bedtime and delaying the sleeping process LOL!

Here are some other holiday decorations throughout our home:
Candle + Wreath my mom made a few years back = Our kitchen table decoration.  I love how it came out 
Austin's wreath that's on his bedroom door.  He give the snowman kisses every morning & at night.  Just like his Nonna - loves snowmen! 
Our entryway!  Wreath made by Carolyn and our DIY tree that we did together.  I'll have another post about our tree - we saved $70 by doing it ourselves!

EKKKK!  I LOVE Christmas Decorating and decor.  Always puts me in the Christmas spirit and with the weather getting colder and colder I'm getting excited about Christmas

1 comment:

Emily said...

Wow!! Your decorations are so beautiful!! I love Scott's village and your nativity. I used to work at Hallmark for 5 years and would adore the village.